Friday, February 17, 2012


If a thread takes Mutex and dies.What happens to that mutex can take other take it ?


How to create Thread safe Function?
What is thread specific Data?
how to kill all threads spawned in Process.

Friday, February 10, 2012

64 bit processor what is the size of ptr and size of int

size of ptr is 64 bits. As Address bus is of 64 bit  2power64 size of memory can be accessed directly..
while in 32 bit 2 power 32 i.e 4 GB memory can be addressed RAM physical memory ant go beyond more than 4 GB
Size of int depends on the implementation generally its 32 bit as in
OS ------------------Data Model-----shor-t------int-------long----longlong-----ptr


What should be taken care while porting from 32  to 64 Arch?
If client is in 32 and server is in 64 bit what care should be taken?

--padding , ediannesss,pointers ?

What is Time_wait when does Socket goes in that its uses ?

Active Close / Passive Close ??

Linger option for sockets??